Leprechaun Traps

by Penny, 5th grade

IMG_1413Question: Why can’t you iron a four-leaf clover?
Answer: Because you shouldn’t press your luck!*

We started off with partners and a box. Most of my class, including me, had partners that shared a buddy. “You can get your supplies from these boxes up front, you have 1 hour and 30 minutes,” my teacher said to the class.

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Ash Wednesday Prayer Service

IMG_1388by Sabrina, 4th grade

March 4, 2014

“I CAN’T WAIT. I CAN’T WAIT. I CAN’T WAIT!!!” Obviously, I can’t wait until our Ash Wednesday prayer service tomorrow. I am also a bit worried too. What if I mess up? What if I forget to read a line? There is so much to be happy about and so much to worry about too. Half of my stomach has butterflies, and the other half has confetti. My job will be to read the Second Reading.
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7th Grade Chinatown Field Trip

by Sarah, 7th grade

chinatown1Cars and buildings whizzed by as I looked out of the car window. It was early August and my 7th grade class was going to Chinatown. We pulled into a garage and headed up the stairs to meet the rest of our class and tour guide, Linda Lou. She gave us a brief introduction the history and culture of Chinatown before we headed out on our tour.

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Gold Book Mass

by LY and MB, 2nd grade

Gold Book 1Every year, second graders at Notre Dame Elementary get a Gold Book during a special mass to prepare them for their First Holy Communion. I felt very excited to get my Gold Book because I will get to have Gold Book lessons in school.

During the Mass, we got our Gold Books. First, we walked to the front of the Notre Dame Chapel with our parents. Second, the priest handed us our Gold Books and then we walked back to our seats. Last, we finished the mass and then walked back to our classroom for a party.

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Our Field Trip to CuriOdyssey

coyoteptmuseum_logoby Javy, 3rd grade

I awoke and bolted upright. Today is my first field trip in third grade!  A couple of hours later I will be at CuriOdyssey in San Mateo.

I soon find myself riding a car on the way to CuriOdyssey. When the class gets there, my teacher, Mr. Smith, talks about safety stuff and then divides the class in half. One half goes inside and gets test papers while the other half goes outside.

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Art in Action at NDE

aia_logoby Audrey, 4th grade

The Art in Action program at NDE is amazing because students get to do a lot of creative arts and crafts projects.

In fourth grade, our class drew ice cream cones, emotional faces, our own imagination creatures, and beautiful flowers. In addition, we did a lot more drawings that were inspired by famous pieces of art such as Starry Night, Sunflowers, Cupcakes, and many other paintings.

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Spring Fair 2013

I had a lot of fun at the Spring Fair.

“I had a lot of fun at the Spring Fair.”

Every year at our school, we hold a Spring Fair, where 5th to 8th graders make their own booth at the fair. This was my grade’s first year to participate by creating a booth for everyone to have fun.  Our booth was called Superhero Bowling, in which the bowling pins (bottles) were the villains and the hero was the ball that knocked them over.

Each of our classmates got certain shifts for the three jobs in the booth.  There were also timekeepers to tell when people’s shifts were up.  The timekeeper’s shifts were 30 minutes while the regular shifts were 15 minutes.  My timekeeper was Elizabeth, a girl with short, curly brown hair and a positive attitude.  I had the second to last shift and the last shift in our booth.

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