Second Grade Book Reviews

Friendship According to Humphrey by Lauren Y

humphreyThe book Friendship According to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney is a story about adventures of all kinds such as trips to the library. Humphrey is a hamster that lives in a cage. His friend is a frog whose name is Ogg. Some of the other characters are Slow Down Simon, Hurry Up Harry, Rolling Rosie, Helpful Holly, Just Joey, Forgetful Phoebe, and Mrs.Brisbane.

My favorite part of the book is when Humphrey got his own library card. He escaped from his cage because Humphrey’s lock doesn’t lock, but people think it is secured. After he escaped, Mrs.Brisbane found out that he was going to the library, so Mrs.Brisbane gave Humphrey a library card. Now they always know when Humphrey goes to the library.

After reading Friendship According to Humphrey, I learned to never tell anyone your best secret.

The Lightning Thief by Maia

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan is a story about Percy Jackson, who is the son of Poseidon, god of water. He steals Zeus’s lightning bolt. I like this book because it is exciting.

My favorite part of the story is when Percy met all the gods and goddess for the first time. I’ve always wondered what the gods and goddesses looked like. Before Percy met them, he had a fight with Luke, who is the son of Hermes, god of thieves. They had a fight because Luke did not want Percy to return Zeus’s lightning bolt.

After reading The Lightning Thief, I learned to never trust someone that you don’t know.

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