Book Review of Unwind

Imageby Alisilani, 5th grade

My favorite book, Unwind, is a spine-tingling juvenile fiction novel.  Unwind is about three children who are going to be “unwound,” in which all of a child’s organs are transplanted into different donors between the ages thirteen and eighteen.  The main characters are Connor, too hard for his parents, Risa, a ward of the state who is not talented enough to stay alive, and Lev, a tithe (a child conceived and raised to be unwound).  They will all work together to survive.

The author, Neal Shusterman, has written other great books that have a little horror in them.  He has written many great novels that will make you shiver.  So far, he has written four trilogies that seem very interesting.  Unwind is part of the Unwholly trilogy, the third book of which he is still writing.

So far, Unwind has been the most interesting book and Neal Shusterman is likewise an interesting author.

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